About Jeffrey Keithley


I am a PhD Student in Computer Science at the University of Iowa, advised by Dr. Sriram Pemmaraju and Dr. Bijaya Adhikari in the Computational Epidemiology research group. I have performed research in highly multi-disciplinary settings over multiple project scales, from 3 collaborators to nearly 40. My primary research revolves around vaccine allocation approximation algorithms over network disease models, mainly i) the role of approximate submodularity in the guarantees associated with greedy allocation, and ii) the development of equitable vaccine allocation algorithms. This has provided me with experience using population and mobility data in the development of network disease models and vaccination algorithms. I have prior research experience studying the spread of cholera, data analysis for COVID-19, and mosquito-borne disease incidence under climate change. I am also interested in learning more about how technical results make it into actual policy and using that knowledge to help develop better outbreak response strategies.